‘Real Grace; Real Life; Real Community’
At the recent synod we launched a vision of sorts for our district under the heading: ‘Real Grace; Real Life; Real Community’. As mentioned in the report from Synod: ‘This is about local faith communities recognising and celebrating the ways we experience God’s real grace that impacts and changes our experience of real life as we extend God’s love to our world in real community’.
What does this mean for your local community? The beauty of it is that you don’t have to instigate a new program or strategic plan. You are already doing this and experiencing it at your local level in many different ways. We started the process in the table groups at Synod with some discussion starters based on the brochure. It wasn’t at all difficult to get people engaged in and enthused by this conversation.
You may wish to make the brochure available to your people and use these questions in your leadership groups and among any small groups you may have operating. Think of ways you can communicate this to your whole community so that you are celebrating the many ways that the very real presence of our Lord is being experienced among us and through us. You may wish to feed back some of the inspiring stories you encounter with us in the District so we can share them with our whole church family.
More resources are on the way to help you engage in this conversation in your local community.
READ MORE STORIES ABOUT congregations, Convention of Synod, resources, vision