Port Pirie Celebrates 100 Years
St Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Port Pirie, celebrated the goodness of God on July 27-28 to commemorate 100 years of continuous Lutheran worship in Port Pirie.
On Saturday afternoon, people enjoyed fellowship and witnessed the launch of a commemorative book, painstakingly researched by David Burger. The front cover depicted the importance of gathering around the word and being enriched by the sacraments of baptism and holy communion. Elaine Keller designed and created a banner, which complimented the symbols on the cover. Memorabilia created much interest as those attending reflected on times gone by, acknowledging the faithful members who contributed so much to congregational life and growth.
The Honourable Geoff Brock, Member for Frome, spoke of the importance in capturing history, while local Mayor Leon Stephens reminisced about the role St Andrew’s has played in community service with connections to sporting teams and work in the wider church community. St Andrew’s is proud of its presence within the community and this was confirmed by letters of congratulations received from other denominations in the city.
More than 90 people attended the service of celebration on Sunday, with Pastor Brian Keller leading the service and SA-NT Bishop David Altus presenting the message. Bishop Altus identified that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. He encouraged us to continue to have a strong faith in the God who will be with us in the years to come.
Cora Gohl, who came to Port Pirie in 1947 to be closer to her sister, was invited to cut the celebration cake. Cora spoke of how the friendship she experienced, the sense of belonging and her never-ending faith kept her attached to the Port Pirie congregation.
After worship, people joined in fellowship over a meal. Visitors travelled from many Lutheran congregations and members of other denominations in Port Pirie were also in attendance.