Women’s retreats focus on journey
LWSA-NT Retreat 2018
A journey is more than going from A to B.
Along the way, there are things that happen, making each person’s journey unique. However, we have many similar experiences, including the heights of joy and the depths of grief.
At the Lutheran Women of South Australia and Northern Territory’s Retreat in January, the theme was ‘Are we there yet?’ Much of the focus here was on journey. Not just any journey, but the one to our ultimate destination.
In total, almost 70 women gathered for the event, which was held at Australian Lutheran College over three days.
During the retreat, Pastor Murray Smith unpacked the theme during three separate times of reflection, while several guest speakers also spoke about their life journeys. Speakers included Tracy Smith, Anna Doecke and Marion McCall.
There were also plenty of opportunities for singing, praying, talking and renewing or making friendships; all part of the amazing journey of fellowship as sisters in Christ.
Overall it was a wonderful weekend that reminded us there is an awesome end to our destination – Jesus!
LWSA-NT Eyre Peninsula Rally
Lutheran ladies from as far as Denial Bay in the west, Port Lincoln to the south and Cowell to the east, travelled to Christ Lutheran Church, Wudinna, to attend the Eyre Peninsula Zone’s annual women’s rally on March 4.
The theme for the rally was ‘Salt and Light in the World’. Pastor Peter Klemm based his sermon on Matthew 5:13-16 and spoke on the values of salt and light. Too much or little salt and light in our lives brings health troubles, but when we have the right amount, we are healthy. So it is with the salt and light that God speaks of.
Christians are the salt and light of God. We are called to preserve God’s word and share it with others. We are also called to share God’s light with those around us.
The morning session’s guest speaker, Harry Wightman from Angel Flight, gave an illuminating talk on the work of Angel Flight. Later, the Pastoral Care Worker at Wudinna Area School, Carol Cummings, spoke on her role in the school.
Offerings from the day went to Meri Wok Trening Skuls in Papua New Guinea, where women are learning to become strong Christian leaders in their community, and Lutheran Community Care.
The 2018 Zone Project will support Crossways Lutheran School at Ceduna for their Early Learning Centre.
The 2019 EP rally will be held at Cowell on the first Sunday in March.