Flooding in SA – how to help
As parts of South Australia brace for what is predicted to be the largest flood in 50 years, many in our district are wondering how we can help.
Lockdown babysitting reveals a writing gift
Maree Schaefer’s stories of Australian animals kept her grandchildren living in Germany occupied during COVID lockdowns. Now she’s had eleven books published with more on the way.
Outreach stirs up cooking skills
Having the ability and skills to prepare a meal is a blessing, even if it sometimes feels like a chore at the end of a long day. But for those who don’t know how to cook, a quick and healthy dinner may be out of reach.
National conference of German-language congregations
Twenty representatives from evangelical German-language congregations across Australia gathered for five days in mid-October at The Monastery in Urrbrae, South Australia, for a first-ever national conference.
Lutheran nurses visit the Centre
Lutheran nurses from around the world gathered in Alice Springs recently, as part of an international study tour. The group of seventeen people spent six days in the Centre, with nurses from around the world taking part.
Cleve says farewell to pastor
Cleve Lutheran Parish said farewell to Pastor Keith McNicol and his wife, Trudy, as they move from full-time ministry into retirement. Nearly 100 people attended the morning service.
Gardening in wartime
Two days after the invasion of her country began, a Ukrainian woman stood before a heavily armed Russian solder and held out to him an offering: a handful of sunflower seeds.
Locals get vocal on wellbeing
A group of ten Riverland locals are getting loud on mental health, taking part in a wellbeing movement that’s having a significant impact on the community.
Honours for Lutheran nurses
The Lutheran Nurses Association of Australia (LNAA) recently announced joint winners of the 2022 Lutheran Nurse of the Year award – Fred Miegel of Alice Springs and Gillian Mibus of Adelaide.
Upper North Zone Women’s Fellowship Day
The 55th Upper North Zone Lutheran Women’s Fellowship Day was held in August. The day’s theme was ‘Caring is sharing’ and attendees enjoyed hearing from guest speakers in between official business.