Easter Message – The Advertiser
‘Unprecedented’ is a word that has become associated with threat, destruction and death, ever since the bushfires, drought and floods, and now during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Positively, in response to these threats to life, we have also witnessed great personal sacrifice and generosity, and even cooperation not seen in our lifetimes between traditional competitors in politics and business, all for the common good.
We have all been asked to ‘share the pain’ in some way, making sacrifices for the sake of the most vulnerable. Together we are staying home at Easter for the sake of parents and grandparents who gave up so much for us.
Easter is about one unprecedented life, lived in unique, perfect love. A life given up in an extraordinary sacrifice for the sake of every life.
On Good Friday, Jesus suffers with us and for us, bearing our griefs, sorrows and sins in his body when he died on the cross. He didn’t observe ‘social distancing’, being willing to be contaminated by everything that leads to death, in order to forgive, save and give us life.
On Easter morning, Jesus walks out of the isolation of his grave, promising us a new day, setting us free to live a new life now, and one day forever.
Easter was ‘unprecedented’ and it comes as good news, offering hope from God for this life and beyond, at a time when we and our world so desperately need it.