Bushfires – how to help
In some parts of Australia bushfires are continuing to threaten lives and livelihoods. In other places, hundreds of people are sifting through ashes, wondering how they will put their lives back together.
Many of us are asking how we can bring the love of God into this awful situation, how his love might come to life through us. Here are some ways that could happen.
To help people in immediate need you can donate to
Red Cross, Salvation Army and other organisations that are able to provide on-the-ground local support right now.
To help Lutherans and the communities they are supporting with immediate assistance and then, later, post-emergency restorative support, you can donate to
LCA Disaster & Welfare Fund (tax-deductible)
Click on the link to make a donation by credit card.To make a bank transfer:
BSB 704942
Account: 100042902
Account name: LCA Disaster and Welfare Fund
- Bishop John Henderson’s Heartland eNews (1 January) provides prayer resources for worship and family or private devotions.
- The Worship Planning Page provides resources for worship leaders.
- Commencing on 7 January, a prayer each day is being shared on LCA Facebook and LCA Instagram.